This will be on Sunday 11 September.
We will meet 9am at the East Gate of the Greenwich University Maritime Campus, Park Row, SE10 9LS See Venue info.
You can find a Google Earth placemark here Please note that as we are practically on the Meridian, Google Maps can be a bit jerky in this area! :-(
The coach will depart 9.30. We will have to be prompt due to the distance to Bletchley.
We will leave Bletchley at 5pm. The return journey should last about 1.5 hours. The coach will return us to the departure point.
There is a cafe on the site that sells cold and hot food and snacks.
There are still limited places available. The £35 price covers the Coach trip and includes entry tickets to the site.
If you get lost or for any queries, phone Miltos on 07779789644 (mobile)