
24th International Conference on Case Based Reasoning
Atlanta, Georgia, 31 October 2016

Doctoral Consortium

Doctoral Consortium


The XX Annual ICCBR Doctoral Consortium (DC) is designed to nurture PhD candidates (and other students) by providing them with opportunities to explore and obtain mutual feedback on their research, future work plans, and career objectives with senior CBR researchers (e.g., mentors) and peers. We invite submissions from students, as described below. Selected students will be paired with a mentor (who will advise them on their research trajectory, writing, and presentation) and asked to prepare and present an oral presentation to be given at the DC. Time will be reserved for students to meet with their mentors, and additional social arrangements will be arranged to encourage further conversations with mentors and fellow students. All ICCBR attendees are welcome to attend!!!


To apply, please submit the following materials by email to the Doctoral Consortium Chair by XX:

  1. Research Summary (max 3 pages) This should (in Springer's LCNS format) outline the problem(s) being addressed, the proposed research plan, and a progress description of progress. This short paper should include references, as needed.
  2. Curriculum Vita (max 1 page) This should list the student's most relevant background, experience (research, education, employment), publication references (if any), and expected graduation date.
  3. Expectations (max 1 page) This should include questions the student may wish to discuss with their mentor, their goals from participating in the DC, and what they can offer to other DC student participants.
  4. Letter of Recommendation (max 1 page) From the students dissertation adviser. Non-PhD students are also welcome to apply, in which case this should be from a suitable adviser (e.g., at their institution).

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: May 2016
  • Notification deadline: June 2016
  • Final versions of Research Summary due: June 2016
  • Doctoral Consortium: September 2016


We aggressively seek senior CBR researchers (from any institution) to assist with examining these short student submissions and to serve as mentors for selected students. They need not attend the entire event (i.e., they can attend co-timed events), but are asked to attend at least two student presentations. Please contact the ICCBR-16 DC Chair to volunteer for this rewarding activity.